AI Brain

Workshop on Generative AI and FAIR Principles in Science Communication (AI4SC-2024)

(Co-located with 20th IEEE e-Science 2024)

Welcome to AI4SC 2024

In an era when the boundaries of science and technology are increasingly overlapping, the emergence of generative AI and large language models (LLMs) has marked a pivotal shift in scientific communication. These cutting-edge technologies offer unprecedented opportunities to enhance the dissemination of complex scientific knowledge, making it more accessible and understandable to diverse stakeholders. However, the rapid integration of generative AI into the fabric of science communication also poses significant challenges, notably in maintaining the diversity of perspectives and addressing potential biases inherent in AI-driven content.

This is happening at a critical time for the scientific community, when scientists are exploring how generative AI, knowledge graphs, and large language models can revolutionize the sharing and understanding of scientific ideas across different communities. To explore such integration of science communication and AI, this workshop will bring together scientists, technologists, ethicists, AI developers, and science communicators to explore how generative AI can promote Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability (FAIR) principles while upholding equity and inclusivity in scientific discourse.

We will critically examine how AI can advance FAIR principles in scientific domains, technology, computations, and data. Our goal is to cultivate a deep understanding of the advantages and challenges of LLM technologies, thereby aiding in creating robust frameworks and practices that promote the positive impact of generative AI in enhancing science communication and research innovation. This initiative is congruent with the overarching aim of amplifying public engagement with science, highlighting ethical and equitable imperatives in applying AI technologies within the scientific ambit.

Event Updates and News

  • Website Open: May 15, 2024
  • Submissions Open: June 1, 2024
  • Submissions Closed: July 25, 2024
  • Reviews Sent and Resubmission Open: July 31, 2024
  • Final Camera Ready: Aug 20, 2024
  • Final Program Notifications: TBD

Venue Information

This year the eScience'24 will be held at the Senri Life Science Center located in Osaka Senri, Japan. Senri Life Science Center is located a 2-minute walk from Senri Chuo Station, about 30 minutes from the center of Osaka, the second largest city of Japan. The venue is approximately 15 minutes from both Shin-Osaka Station and Osaka International Airport (Itami Airport).

View the location on Google Maps.

For more details, visit the venue page and the main page of the eScience conference.

Contact Details

San Diego Supercomputer Center,
University of California San Diego
9836 Hopkins Drive, MC 0505
La Jolla, CA 92093-0505
United States of America